Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Democrat Party Politicians work overtime to protect us

A first-hand report by Fern T. Greenthumb,

Adam Kline wants someone
else to take gun ban heat
In the Democrat Caucus room, I was able to witness first hand the impressive intellectual titans we have elected to represent us in Olympia.  These fearless leaders are the thin green line that separates us from the certain anarchy and disaster that would befall every gay, transgender, Latino, Native American, woman, child, animal, insect, plant, rock, and salmon in Washington if the Republican Tea Bagger party were to take charge.  I felt very privileged to take part and was thankful to be a witness to this seminal landmark event.

In the beginning, a number of political leaders were discussing the state of legislation and their priorities as political leaders.  Senator Kline (D-Seattle) got up and discussed how his bill to outlaw all firearms in Washington State was thwarted for the third time in a row, and he was very angry at the reporters who called him out on this fact.  “These reporters vote for us.  They support us, and we usually get them to do our bidding.  What he hell is going on here?  Why did they point out the fact my bill allowed the warrantless police search of gun owners homes?  I needed to sneak that one in there for the greater good.  There was a lot of potential there.  Didn’t they get the message?”

Frank Chopp tells it like it is, but does
not want to debate honest Socialists
Frank Chopp (D-Seattle) explained, “I’m getting a little pushback from some of our big donors because we are telling them to vote for us, but the actual legislation we pass doesn’t live up to their expectations.  Did anyone notice that I got my ass kicked in a debate with my Socialist opponent in the last election?  She got 27%, and nobody even knew who she was or how to pronounce her name.  That was better than any Republican has done in my district in 16 years.”

“What do they want us to do for them?” peeped Hans Dunshee (D-Lake Stevens) “I keep getting reelected every time, but my margin is shrinking every cycle.  I need some new ideas to keep these challengers off my back.”

Hans Dunshee looking for a free ride next
“We really need to get more Progressive in our outlook and our policy,” interrupted Senator Ranker (D-Orcas Island) “my constituents tell me that we need to get a real gun ban bill through this year, and it needs to have some teeth in it.  If Senator Kline would have listened to me, we could have avoided the police search fiasco and just had regular warrantless home searches done by the People for Puget Sound volunteers.  We are already training these people to go onto private property and file complaints for possible environmental violations against Republican property owners.  They could easily be trained to enter homes and look for guns, inspect light bulbs, verify that the toilets and appliances are correct, and even make sure the kid’s toys are correct.  This is far less scary than a police inspection.”

“I like where this conversation is going,” agreed Senator Fraser (D-Olympia). “Is there any way for us to ensure that only Republicans and rural hicks get the aggressive inspection treatment and they leave our supporters alone?  At least the ones who donate to our campaigns?”

Dwight Pelz is always looking at ways
to punish his political enemies
“I can speak to that,” Interrupted Dwight Pelz (State Democrat Party Chairperson), “We have donor and PCO lists and we can provide these to you by legislative district.  We can make sure we inspect and fine only the political enemies, ignore our political donors and voters, and issue warnings to those who are on the fence.  The fence-sitters will get the message that they need to vote for us, or they will be fined next.  I really think this will help us take back the Senate the next election cycle.”

At this point there was a commotion at the door as it appeared Senator Tim Sheldon (D-Hoodsport) was walking near the caucus rooms and the doors had to be barred.

“Are we sure we swept this room for listening devices?” asked Representative Sam Hunt (D-Olympia).

The Republicans are not that smart or capable.  We know their every move before they do” replied Dwight Pelz (strangely he had some kind of knife in his hand, which he was sharpening).  Everyone laughed.

Ross Hunter wondering why his fellow
Democrats are being such pussies 
“Listen, I’m tired of this pansy drivel,” interrupted Representative Ross Hunter (D-Medina) “I am smarter than the rest of this room put together.  I graduated from Yale.  Worked at Microsoft, and I have more money to throw at my campaign that our party will ever raise in my lifetime.  Let’s face the facts here.  The Republicans are unorganized, incompetent, and they smell bad.  Why can’t we get any decent candidates to run against these morons and just kick their asses?  Come on, how hard can it be?  I thought when Governor Gregoire bribed that idiot Republican Cheryl Plug (sp) to jump ship at the last minute that we would have clear sailing in the Senate.  That is what our former governor told me.  Now, even though that plan worked, we are back in this nightmare twilight zone where the Republicans still effectively control the State Senate.  Not because they won an election, but because we can’t hold our own party together and two semi-Democrats jumped ship.  I mean why am I wasting my time here?  I could be partying on my yacht on the way to our cabin on Lopez Island.  Let’s get serious folks”

“All our problems would just go away if we just gave all the private land back to the Native Americans who really own it anyway!” exclaimed Representative McCoy (D-Tulalip), “I propose that we pass a bill that would only let Native Americans sell fireworks, alchohol, tobacco, pot, gambling, waterparks, host strip malls, and host outdoor concerts.”

Raising his hand, Sam Hunt (D-Olympia) “I’ll second that”

“You can’t second my bills until you’ve done your penance,” replied McCoy.

“Hey, listen, we have serious stuff to discuss here,” Chopp stated, “You two can settle your differences at a different time.  Now listen, I have to go raise some money for the next election cycle.  John (McCoy) I expect you to help me shake the Tribal tree for another two or three million.  We’ll tell them whatever they want to hear.  Karen (Fraser), how much money can you get the Conservation Voters to kick our way?”

Karen Fraser can always find ways
to get tax dollars to her friends
“On the books, or off the books?” replied Senator Fraser (D-Olympia)

“It doesn’t matter.  We control the PDC, and they know where their bread is buttered.  Nobody will look very closely anyway.  They know their days as employees of Washington State are numbered if they dare to let any complaint stand against us” replied Representative Chopp.

“It really depends on how much grant money we can give to them from DOE, PSP, WDFW, and the Conservation Districts,” replied Senator Fraser.

“It is only tax dollars, just give me a round number and I’m sure we can make it happen,” replied Chopp.

“I’d like to help” interjected Representative Stonier (D-Vancouver)

“How can you help?  You are a short-timer and you won by a hair.  Then you missed that 2/3 vote, and even the dim-witted Republicans are capable enough to come after you on that one.  You’re lucky we even let you in this room,” Replied Representative Hunter (D-Medina)

“Who will introduce the gun ban bill next session?” asked Senator Kline (D-Seattle) “I’ve done this enough, and I don’t want the heat.” 

Marcie Maxwell wants
more spending and more
“Marcie Maxwell can do it.  She’ll introduce anything I ask her to.” Stated Representative Chopp, “Now, you all know what we need to do.  Raise taxes.  Call it revenue.  Increase environmental grants so that we can get some of that money back for campaign donations.  Increase government workers so that the unions can give us more money.  We will make some special exceptions for the tribes so that they give us more money as well.  Keep blaming everything on the Republicans, and let’s get back to work.  We are here to win, and Dwight is here to keep you pure.  Let me know which Republicans we can co-op when necessary.  We’ll do the usual “be bipartisan and we won’t run a real candidate against you next year” story.  There are enough newbies on the other side that they might be stupid enough to bite.  Okay, back to work.  Let’s grow government!”

With that, the meeting broke up.  I felt very privileged to be able to witness our leaders in action. 

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