Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Democrat Party Politicians work overtime to protect us

A first-hand report by Fern T. Greenthumb,

Adam Kline wants someone
else to take gun ban heat
In the Democrat Caucus room, I was able to witness first hand the impressive intellectual titans we have elected to represent us in Olympia.  These fearless leaders are the thin green line that separates us from the certain anarchy and disaster that would befall every gay, transgender, Latino, Native American, woman, child, animal, insect, plant, rock, and salmon in Washington if the Republican Tea Bagger party were to take charge.  I felt very privileged to take part and was thankful to be a witness to this seminal landmark event.

In the beginning, a number of political leaders were discussing the state of legislation and their priorities as political leaders.  Senator Kline (D-Seattle) got up and discussed how his bill to outlaw all firearms in Washington State was thwarted for the third time in a row, and he was very angry at the reporters who called him out on this fact.  “These reporters vote for us.  They support us, and we usually get them to do our bidding.  What he hell is going on here?  Why did they point out the fact my bill allowed the warrantless police search of gun owners homes?  I needed to sneak that one in there for the greater good.  There was a lot of potential there.  Didn’t they get the message?”